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Journaling your life story as creative writing therapy or as published memoirs?

30+ Brain-Exercising Creativity Coach Businesses to Open: How to Use Writing, Music, Drama & Art Therapy Techniques for Healing - Anne Hart

Writing your life story highlights or memoirs for closure? Some strategies.


30+ Brain-Exercising Creativity Coach Businesses to Open: How to Use Writing, Music, Drama & Art Therapy Techniques for Healing - Anne Hart


30+ Brain-Exercising Creativity Coach Businesses to Open: How to Use Writing, Music, Drama & Art Therapy Techniques for Healing. 280 pages. Ebook or Paperback formats.

Ebook format:  https://www.amazon.com/Brain-Exercising-Creativity-Coach-Businesses-Open-ebook/dp/B01LZRDX98/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1484090146&sr=1-2-fkmr0&keywords=30%2B+brain-exercisiing+creativity+coach+businesses%2C+anne+hart

 Paperback format: https://www.amazon.com/Brain-Exercising-Creativity-Coach-Businesses-Open/dp/0595427103/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1484097550&sr=8-2&keywords=30+%2B+brain+exercising%2C+anne+hart


   Readers reach out to you. What were your crossroads and paths taken? And to put your words to use, consider writing salable anecdotes and life experiences for popular magazines. Your social history is part of pop culture. Reminiscing is good for your memory and personal history.


Personal and Oral History: For Closure


        Creative writing therapists also might consider researching the effects of personal and oral history listening, recording, and transcribing as therapy. To begin your research from a viewpoint of how to help writers learn to listen more effectively, you might find helpful an article titled, “Learning to Listen: Interview Techniques and Analyses," by Kathryn Anderson and Dana Jack. The article appears on pages 157-171 in the anthology titled, The Oral History Reader, edited by Robert Perks and Alistair Thomson.


        The article discusses women and counseling.  It originally was published in Sherna Gluck and Daphne Patai's book titled, Women's Words: The Feminist Practice of Oral History (1991: 11-26). Oral history therapy group facilitators would find this article helpful when discussing healing or therapeutic effects of oral history.


        Oral or personal history also is helpful when teaching writers to listen with efficacy for the therapeutic, beneficial, and healing elements of life stories combined with social history before writing a first draft in a creative writing therapy workshop.


        Oral and personal history listening techniques may be taught and practiced for use as a tool before classes begin creative writing therapy or memoirs writing workshops for memory enhancement. Listening to oral history is helpful before the actual writing process starts.


        Working with writers, artists, or musicians not interested in speaking publicly, an online group combining photos or illustrations and text materials can be turned into multimedia, using musical backgrounds with themes or melodies related to the setting of the stories.


    The materials would be saved to a digital disc. Work could be uploaded to a Web site in e-zine, blog, or newsletter format.


         Other alternatives include pop-up books, (paper engineering) pop-up books on disc or on Web sites, anthologies, chap books in gift or prayer boxes, and family or social history time capsules. Creative projects as healing tools could include the cooperation of musicians, artists, and writers setting stories to music and illustrating significant scenes or themes.


Here’s how to open a variety of businesses as a creative writing coach, memory enhancement facilitator, or consultant. Incorporate selected techniques for healing inspired by music, drama, and art therapists. Or design creative writing assessments for clients.


Consider life-long learning in expressive arts coaching. Become a creative writing facilitator, therapist or a manuscript ‘doctor’ and writing coach. Here are numerous business to start and operate all focused on applying or enhancing creativity and/or memory.


You can become certified as a creative writing therapist using the healing tools of music, visual imagery, and expressive arts therapies in the background. It’s a multimedia approach to enhancing creativity and memory. Other entrepreneurial possibilities include alternative healing consultant incorporating creative writing and journaling as healing tools for use in problem solving or conflict resolution. Organize family history and genealogy journalism research workshops.


You’d work under the supervision of a health care professional providing writing instruction to a group. Or as a coach, you’d work in a corporate setting as an outsourced independent business contractor training executives in how to improve their writing skills. Or offer coaching in writing to employees and executives in a corporate setting as a business communications trainer. Another possibility is to open a writing coach business and help authors prepare their manuscripts, plays, or scripts for the appropriate markets—publishers, agents, or producers.


 In a religious or alternative healing group, creative writing coaching becomes a tool for journaling inwardly to discuss choices made. Coach individuals in how they can learn from past decisions. Learn how to make better decisions in writing and in life by not overlooking the “blind spots.” Creative writing as a coaching business in a consulting business also becomes looking beyond editorial revisions to see what type of visible national platform a writer-client can develop.


Because creative people differ, writing coaches or consultants are trained and hired to recognize “blind spots” that could lead to a creative worker’s derailment. Copyeditors are hired to revise, edit or otherwise correct the writing rather than heal the writer.


Creative writing therapists, like biblio/poetry therapists or expressive arts therapists (art, music, drama, and dance), are certificated persons with graduate degrees. Expressive arts therapists have to pass national exams. They are trained in a particular therapy in graduate school and serve in internships in one of the expressive arts therapists working under the supervision of health care professionals, such as a physician prescribing a specific plan of therapy.


Creative writing therapists help people from all walks of life solve problems and resolve conflicts by making use of journaling, reading, and writing as healing tools in therapy, usually with a group.


Creative writing coaches are not licensed and don’t need a specific degree or expertise in a special area of training. Most have years of experience in editing books or writing published works, or working as a “script doctor” on plays or film and video scripts. They are not trained as therapists. They are consultants similar to script doctors that help writers improve their books, scripts, or other works of writing.


Creative writing therapists and writing teachers may specialize in helping people write, record, or transcribe their life stories, memoirs, autobiographies, and personal or oral histories. Writing teachers who are not creative writing therapists with training and certification are sometimes called personal historians when they specialize in helping clients write or record life stories. Those recording life stories are called oral historians.


 Are you interested in guiding life story writers in a variety of environments from life long learning to working with hospice chaplains? Or perhaps you’d like to be an entrepreneur organizing groups as a writing coach using music in the background to inspire authors?


Are you a musician or certificated music therapist who wants to write books, stories, or true life experiences in a variety of formats—books, short stories, skits, plays, scripts, poems, fiction, creative nonfiction, or interactive learning materials? Perhaps you’d like to design brain-stimulating exercises for others in specific occupations or life stages. You can combine writing with music and art or drama as multimedia to enhance creativity.


Tired of analyzing puzzles to build brain dendrites and stimulate your own memory or those of groups or clients? Write about an experience or event in your life or another’s significant event, highlight, or turning point with a goal of writing therapeutically with a background of ethnic or inspirational music.


Or should you work the right hemisphere of your brain and fold paper to make pop-up or origami books where you can illustrate, write, and even add an array of MP3 audio music or speech files on a disc or add a disc with video, photography, and illustrations slipped inside an envelope pasted on the inside back book cover.


Write while listening to music for inspiration, relaxation, or closure. Write therapeutically for health. Here’s how to write salable memoirs for popular magazines to enhance your memory. The first question to ask yourself or another is, “On your way to maturity, what have you given up?” What have you added? Is your life story about disconnection and keeping your mouth shut? Or is it about connections and sharing meaning through communication?


How secure, stable, and steady is your sense of self as the seas crash around you? To what portraits will your memoirs give voice as you cross over to each new stage of life? To what in your life story will you pay tribute?


Describe your watershed in colorful words, sounds, or pictures. Highly recommended background reading before starting to write memoirs (for female adolescent memoirs writers, older adults, and journaling coaches or creative writing educators) are the books titled, Meeting at the Crossroads: Women’s Psychology and Girls’ Development, by Lyn Mikel and Carol Gilligan, Ballantine Books, 1992, and In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development, by Carol Gilligan, Harvard University Press, 1982.


     Memoirs are excerpts and highlights of significant events in your life. They can be written in prose form or as skits, plays, dialoguing with relatives, or as monologues. Parts of your life story can even become material for stand-up comics in a laugh-for-your-health workout. Or you can write salable memoirs and put direct experience in a small package and launch it worldwide.


     Write your life story in anecdotes of 375 to 1,500 words. The difference between memoirs and autobiographies is that memoirs are excerpts or highlights of a life story. Autobiographies are life stories than run chronologically from birth to maturity.


Write salable tributes, eulogies, and highlights of life stories and personal histories for autobiographies. Then condense or contract the life stories or personal histories into PowerPoint presentations and similar slide shows on discs using lots of photos and one-page of life story.


            Collect experiences. Flesh-out news stories, linking them together into first-person diary-style novels and books, plays, skits, or other larger works. Write memoirs or celebration-of-life tributes for the living.


            If ghostwriting is too invisible, write biographies and vocational biographies, success stories and case histories, and customize for niche interest groups. Your main goal with personal history and life stories is to take the direct experience itself and package each story as a vignette.

            The vignette can be read in ten minutes. So fill magazine space with a direct experience vignette. Magazine space needs only 1,500 words. When you link many vignettes together, each forms a book chapter or can be adapted to a play or script.


            By turning vignettes into smaller packages, they are easier to launch to the media. When collected and linked together, they form a chain of vignettes offering nourishment, direction, purpose, and information used by people who need to make choices. Here's how to write those inspiration-driven, persistence-driven life stories and what to do with them. Use universal experience with which we all can identify.


            Included is an excerpt from a full-length diary-format first person memoirs novel and an entire three-act play. Also, there is a monologue for performances. There's a demand for direct life experiences written or produced as vignettes and presented in small packages.       

Save those vignettes electronically. Later, they can be placed together as chapters in a book or adapted as a play or script, turned into magazine feature, specialty, or news columns, or offered separately as easy-to-read packages.


If you are working with activities directors and persons with dementias on stimulating memories, I highly recommend reading an online article and viewing the resource links at the

 Website called, About Health & Fitness at: http://alzheimers.about.com/cs/treatmentoptions/a/reminiscence.htm?once=true&. See the article titled, “Reminiscence Therapy and Activities for People with Dementia,” From Christine Kennard, “Your Guide to Alzheimer's Disease.”


Try writing to ethnic music. Whether you choose Asian, Middle Eastern, Flamenco, new age, classical, Latin beat, Salsa, world music or inspirational tunes, look for specific music recommended by music therapists. The type of music selected affects each individual differently. Music is customized to the individual’s choice. Certain types of music influence your brain waves in one way and another individual’s in another way.


  If you want a joyous, uplifting sound to write to, try klezmer, Rom, Eastern European, Spanish flamenco, or Middle Eastern tribal dance music. If you want music to do your Tai Chi or Qi Gong exercises to, find slower Asian music or flute music from Balinese and Japanese to the music of India or Indonesian Gamelan music for slow exercise. Chinese and Indian music also are excellent for slow exercises for balance in walking such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong, or chair Yoga.

You choose the music according to the mood you want to create and than move to the rhythm or write or do both. Let the music carry you away in your visualization and imagination to bring out the creativity in your writing. Make your writing animated—alive and move your words to the music.


Take stirring klezmer wedding music, for example. If you want to write a scene in a novel, in your autobiography, or memoirs, pick klezmer or Middle Eastern dance music or tribal dance, and see what scene comes out in your creativity. Writing historically? Pick stringed instruments, flutes, or 16th and 17th century Baroque music to stir you to write creatively. Think of ways that music and writing together can heal you with the music as one tool and your writing and imagination or historical research as another tool.  Let’s look at klezmer.     

Klezmer music like any genre of folk music is music of, from and by the folk. The melismatic sounds of klezmer, the Arabic scales that form the DNA of klezmer all contribute to its universal sonority. Klezmer is just another way for me to express to the listener my perception of the human condition.” Yale Strom.

I highly recommend The Absolutely Complete Klezmer Songbook, by Yale Strom. The book provides a collection of Klezmer music as a book that includes a CD. Before the 1970s, klezmer music was little known to the non-Jewish world outside of the nostalgia of ethnomusicology or from interviews of ethnologists, folk music devotees, and with older adults who remembered Yiddish theater or radio in the thirties.

Now this prolific book of music provides 313 full-length klezmer songs, including out-of-print and previously unpublished melodies, many with Yiddish lyrics. All with musical notes. The material comes from both Yiddish and Rom (Gypsy) Holocaust survivors that recalled the songs from childhood. The book offers an excellent compilation of bulgars, horas, nigunim, and other klezmer songs and music. There's also a glossary, perspective, and history of klezmer and Rom music.

The book of music notes and songs include archival photos, historic background, cultural material, and the CD containing 36 klezmer songs recorded by Yal Strom's Klezmer band, Hot Pstromi. The book is available at many music sellers or from the music publisher, Transcontinental Music Publications.

Klezmer music is for dancing, celebrations, weddings, and entertainment. Strom also is a musical archivist. He has made many trips to Eastern Europe to interview klezmer and Rom musicians. Strom has advanced knowledge of what the music was like when klezmer and Rom musicians played at celebrations in rural Eastern Europe of the past century. Check out his films at: http://www.yalestrom.com/films.html#


          For variety you might also keep videos, CDs or MP3 files of Greek and/or West Asian/Central Asian/East Asian dance music to write with, medieval and Renaissance music, classical, new age, world music, Latin Salsa, or whatever mood you want to create for writing.


Put the music on and begin to imagine what you’d write on a blank page. Make a list of what words, pictures, and sounds would go on your computer screen. That’s the start of multimedia writing as one healing tool.

On Introverts as Night Shift Radio Talk Show Personalities

On introverts



On introverts: People cancel dates because they don't feel quite safe with the other person in a car or other close space, or because the other person is quick to anger instead of slow and steady when surprised by someone cutting across them in traffic or some similar surprise. And people generally look for a good conversationalist on dates, even if both parties are introverts. (One example are some Internet radio talk show personalities specializing in the field of their interest).


Numerous introverts have their own radio talk show because they broadcast while alone in a studio sometimes located in a room or basement of their home. Check out all those radio talk show hosts who claim to be introverted and prefer radio rather than to be recognized in public if they were TV personalities. Some introverts work the night shift on radio stations or broadcast at night from their home studios.


If they are not being interviewed on another person's radio talk show, they are calm and content to research what they want to say and speak it from memory or a script on their own personal radio talk show that they operate from home, for example, from their basement or home office/studio. By themselves, introverts become conversationalists to the world, broadcasting to listeners in other areas far away from where they live or would be recognized in public.


Novel: Hound of the Bitch Box

233 pages.

On Introverts as Night Shift Radio Talk Show Personalities

On introverts: People cancel dates because they don't feel quite safe with the other person in a car or other close space, or because the other person is quick to anger instead of slow and steady when surprised by someone cutting across them in traffic or some similar surprise. And people generally look for a good conversationalist on dates, even if both parties are introverts. (One example are some Internet radio talk show personalities specializing in the field of their interest).


Numerous introverts have their own radio talk show because they broadcast while alone in a studio sometimes located in a room or basement of their home. Check out all those radio talk show hosts who claim to be introverted and prefer radio rather than to be recognized in public if they were TV personalities. Some introverts work the night shift on radio stations or broadcast at night from their home studios.


If they are not being interviewed on another person's radio talk show, they are calm and content to research what they want to say and speak it from memory or a script on their own personal radio talk show that they operate from home, for example, from their basement or home office/studio. By themselves, introverts become conversationalists to the world, broadcasting to listeners in other areas far away from where they live or would be recognized in public.


Novel: Hound of the Bitch Box

233 pages.

Getting started writing by speaking what you would like to express to a voice recording device

Write, Design, and Package Customized Books: How to Write and Design Pop-Up, Tactile, and Other Reading Materials Kindle  450 pages, 99 cents. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N3RX7HA


All you have to do is simply say what you want to say in writing and record your voice on any recording device you have.


To get started in writing, you can speak or dictate into any recording device and transcribe what  you said or use software to transcribe your voice into text/print. Writing or journaling is more suitable to those who like writing entries in diaries. And speaking is more comfortable to those who enjoy talking into a machine what they'd like to say.


A writer also can use Dragon systems to speak into a computer microphone which then translates the voice into print/text so you can print out what you write and correct if you want to change how the writing sounds. I hope this can help you. It's the way I got started. My major in college starting from in 1959 was creative writing for the M.A. under the English department.


Just write the way you speak

All you have to do is simply say what you want to say in writing and record your voice on any recording device you have, a digital recorder, a phone, or whatever. Then just save what you have to say as an audio MP3 file in your computer. You can do the same with any video from your cell phone video camera or other.


Then all you need to do is type up in print/text on your computer your exact words. It's really so easy, nothing to it. If you can talk, you can record your voice, and transcribe what you said. That's all there is to writing. It worked for me for the past 30 years or so, since recording voice was invented on a tape recorder.


The practice came from typing on a Dictaphone machine everything my employer dictated to me when I worked in the steno pool in the early 1960s. That's all there is to writing. It's one alternative to writing your thoughts and then revising them.

All my novels I first talked out to myself and recorded my voice, then typed/transcribed what I just said.


Then I corrected the spelling and grammar, if required. There's nothing else to writing. Begin in the genre you like most, be it nonfiction, news, fiction, plays, poetry, dialogue, or whatever you like most, including your diary or journal. Keep writing daily.


Then publish what you wrote. You can publish free on Amazon.com for ebooks or kindle without paying any money to publish your books. I did that after retiring from writing paperbacks.

Some ebooks by me: Numerous books also are in paperback format

— feeling big smile

Some Ebooks by Anne Hart. (Some books also are available in paperback format).


The Family That Eats Together: On Being an Independent Food and Nutrition Writer


Nov 6, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Write, Design, and Package Customized Books: How to Write and Design Pop-Up, Tactile, and Other Reading Materials


Nov 3, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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She Marries Men For Their Shock Value: The Psychiatrist Who Made House Calls to Women To Analyze the Upward Gush of Their Infancy


Nov 1, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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801 Action Verbs for Communicators: Position Yourself First with Action Verbs for Journalists, Speakers, Educators, Students, Resume-Writers, Editors & Travelers

Aug 21, 2016 | Kindle eBook

by Anne Hart

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ADVENTURES in MY BELOVED MEDIEVAL ALANIA and BEYOND: A Time-Travel Novel Set in the 10Th Century Caucasus Mountains


Jun 9, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Tracing Your Baltic, Scandinavian, Eastern European, & Middle Eastern Ancestry Online: Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Estonian, Latvian, ... Lithuanian, Greek, Macedonian, Bulgari


Sep 11, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Cover Letters, Follow-Ups, Queries & Book Proposals: Samples with Templates


Jun 29, 2016 | Kindle eBook

by Anne Hart

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Creative Video Production Business Ideas Resource Book for Writers and Catalysts Starting Digital Media Small and Home-based Businesses for Verbal and Visual Creativity Enhancement


Jul 10, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Developing depth in your characters for fiction writing, memoirs, or biography


Jul 10, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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How to Launch a Genealogy TV Business Online: Start Family History/Ancestry Shows Globally


Aug 2, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Interviewing for Life Story Highlights: What Questions to Ask: Oral and Personal History Recording and Transcribing Strategies


Jul 13, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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The DNA Detectives: Working Against Time


Aug 15, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Tools for Mystery Writers: Writing Suspense Using Hidden Personality Traits


Aug 2, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Writing Fiction with Active Words: Using imagery, action, and vivid description in sentences


Jun 23, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Job Coach-Life Coach-Executive Coach-Branding-Letter & Resume-Writing Service: Step-By-Step Business Startup Manual


Sep 7, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Writing the Upward Gush of Your Character’s Infancy in Fiction: Analyzing the Motive for Each of Your Fictional Character’s Hidden Traits and Choices


Jul 17, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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The Writer's Bible: Digital and Print Media: Skills, Promotion, and Marketing for Novelists, Playwrights, and…

Sep 11, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Writing 28-1/2 Minute Infomercials and Animation or Multimedia Computer and Video Game Scripts: Writing for the digital media at home and outsourcing of journalists worldwide


May 31, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Authoring Preschool Fiction Books, Stories, and Animation Scripts: Samples: Practice in Writing for Primarily…


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Meet the Honeymooners: The smokejumping forest firefighter and the forensic scientist hunt down an obsessive ex spouse


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Cats of the Silk Road and Their Human Families: You Can Write, Enjoy, and Publish Nourishing Time-Travel Tales for the Holidays


Oct 27, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Pregnant Marched the Bride: A romance novel of intrigue and suspense


Jul 10, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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The Freelance Writer's E-Publishing Guidebook: 25+ E-Publishing Home-Based Online Writing Businesses to Start for Freelancers


Sep 8, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Analyzing the Motive for Each of Your Fictional Character’s Hidden Traits and Choices Writing the Upward Gush of Your Character’s Infancy in Fiction.


Jun 12, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Walking as a Business


Jul 27, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Hound of the Bitch Box: Doctor Dawn Whisper, whispers on the radio airwaves from midnight until dawn


Jun 1, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Who's Buying Which Popular Short Fiction Now, & What Are They Paying?: How to Write, Customize, & Sell Tales Online...


Oct 23, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Popular Health & Medical Writing for Magazines: How to Turn Current Research & Trends into Salable Feature Articles

Sep 7, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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So you want to write fiction about hackers, crackers, computer security, and the minds of cyberstalkers?


Oct 23, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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How Writers Can Sell Solutions to Problems: Creative Predicament Solving for Authors: Skills You May Need


Oct 22, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Her face is a Halloween Mask: A suspense novel of octogenarian female activism


Aug 27, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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101+ Practical Ways to Raise Funds: A Step-By-Step Guide with Answers


Oct 13, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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101 Ways to Find Six-Figure Medical or Popular Ghostwriting Jobs & Clients: A Step-By-Step Guide


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How to Open a Business Writing and Publishing Memoirs, Gift Books, or Success Stories for Clients: Make Hand-Crafted...

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Riding with the Queen of the Huns: None Beneath the Khan can have this Silk Road woman


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102 Ways to Apply Career Training in Family History/Genealogy: How to Find a Job, Internship, or Create Your Own...

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Writing and Publishing Inspiration-Driven Life Stories: Interview, Dramatize, Publish, Package, Promote, Present, and Launch

Jul 22, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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35 Video Podcasting Careers & Businesses to Start: Step-By-Step Guide for Home-Grown Broadcasters


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Dogs with Careers: Ten Happy-Ending Stories of Purpose and Passion


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Writer's Guide to Book Proposals: Templates, Query Letters, & Free Media Publicity


Sep 7, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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How to Make Money Selling Facts: To Non-Traditional Markets

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How to Open DNA-Driven Genealogy Reporting & Interpreting Businesses: Applying Your Communications Skills To Popular Health or Ancestry Issues In the News


Sep 13, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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30+ Brain-Exercising Creativity Coach Businesses to Open: How to Use Writing, Music, Drama & Art Therapy Techniques for Healing


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How to Video Record Your Dog's Life Story: Writing, Financing, & Producing Pet Documentaries, Drama, or News


Aug 29, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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How to Start, Teach, & Franchise a Creative Genealogy Writing Class or Club: The Craft of Producing Salable Living Legacies, Celebrations of Life, Genealogy ... Periodicals, Family Newsletters, Time Capsu

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Writing Tasteful Gags and Humor for Comedians: Tripods are funny: Crafting Words in Groups of Threes


Jun 26, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Ethno-Playography: How to Create Salable Ethnographic Plays, Monologues, & Skits from Life Stories, Social Issues, and Current Eventsfor All Ages with Samples for Performance

Oct 13, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Sacramento Latina: When the One Universal We Have in Common Divides Us


Jul 12, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Do You Have the Aptitude & Personality to Be a Popular Author?: Professional Creative Writing Assessments

Jun 9, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Trickster Tales of Teasing Tails on Space Travel Trails


Jul 19, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Writing What People Buy: 101+ Projects That Get Results


Aug 18, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Too Scared of Hate to Leave Home: Housewife Trapped for Years by Agoraphobia


Jul 23, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Creating Family Newsletters & Time Capsules: How to Publish Multimedia Genealogy Periodicals or Gift Booklets


Jul 4, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Writing 7-Minute Inspirational Life Experience Vignettes: Create & Link 1,500-Word True Stories


Sep 6, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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Guidebook for Students and Teachers of Creative Writing Innovation: Storytellers as Traveling 'Angels': Releasing...


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How to Make Money Organizing Information


Sep 11, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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How to Publish in Womens Studies, Mens Studies,Policy Analysis, &Family History Research: 25 Ways to Organizeyour...


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Make Money with Your Camcorder and PC: 25+ Businesses: Make Money with Your Camcorder and Your Personal Computer by Linking Them.


Sep 7, 2016 | Kindle eBook

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How to Make Money Teaching Online with Your Camcorder and PC: 25 Practical and Creative How-To Start-Ups to Teach Online


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Social Smarts Strategies That Earn Free Book Publicity: Dont Pay to Market Your Writing


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Cutting Expenses & Getting More for Less: 41+ Ways to Earn an Income from Opportune Living


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Diet Fads, Careers & Controversies in Nutrition Journalism: How to Organize Term Papers, News, or Debates


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Cyber Snoop Nation: The Adventures of Littanie Webster, Sixteen-Year-Old Genius Private EyeOn Internet Radio


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How to Start Engaging Conversations on Women's, Men's, or Family Studies with Wealthy Strangers: A Thriller


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Is Your World Shrinking? A Novel of Faraway Places and People: Weaving and Interleafing Character-Driven Plots in Your Fiction


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Alternative Writing and Creativity Coaching Business To Start: Communicating a Strong, Visible Platform of Expertise in Your Specialty


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The Wall Street Poem Series: Let me take on Wall Street in a chastity belt


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Proper Parenting in Ancient Rome: A Time-Travel Novel of Love as Growth of Consciousness & Peace in the Home


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Counseling Anarchists: We All Marry Our Mirrorssomeone Who Reflects How We Feel About Ourselves.Folding Inside OurselvesA Novel of Mystery


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Still Too Scared of Hate to Leave Home Without a Guard Dog: A woman without a man can go to bed knowing she'll still be alive in the morning.


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Still Too Scared of Hate to Leave Home Without a Guard Dog: The Play or Film Script: A woman without a man can go to bed knowing she'll still be alive in the morning.


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How to Turn Poems, Lyrics, & Folklore into Salable Children's Books: Using Humor or Proverbs


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Be Prepared: Burly Fiction and Sturdy Poems - Short Stories with Playpen Eyes in Caverns of Deep Physical Thinking


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You can write, design, and publish tactile books or other customized books for niche readers



Ebook, 450 pages, 99 cents.



You can create and print out tactile books for blind children with a 3-D printer.

What 3-D printers also can do is print out books for visually-impaired children, books with textures, images, and letters that can be touched as they are read.


A children's classic that already is a candidate for the all-time best feel-good book, 'Goodnight Moon,' has gotten a boost: A University of Colorado at Boulder team printed the first 3D version of it, allowing visually impaired children and their families to touch objects in the story -- like the cow jumping over the moon -- as it is read aloud.


If you write or want to publish children's picture books, you can create and print out tactile 3D children's books for visually impaired children. Many blind children do not start learning Braille until they are about six years old. You would start by having access to a 3-D printer for your tactile book creations.

Picture books for visually impaired kids now can go 3-D thanks to a University of Colorado at Boulder (CU-Boulder) research team. "Goodnight room, goodnight moon.


Goodnight cow jumping over the moon..." A children's classic that already is a candidate for the all-time best feel-good book, "Goodnight Moon," has gotten a boost: A University of Colorado at Boulder team printed the first 3D version of it, allowing visually impaired children and their families to touch objects in the story -- like the cow jumping over the moon -- as it is read aloud.


Creating 3-D picture books for kids also is one way book authors whose books have gone out of print can give fresh life to their tomes by printing the picture books in 3D with a 3D printer so that blind, visually impaired, and deaf-blind children can touch the pictures in the books or story collections that emphasize pictures, art, or other imagery. A similar application can be taken up by photographers who want to create a tactile collection of their photos in 3D for the visually impaired to touch.


The Tactile Picture Books Project


The story by Margaret Wise Brown of a bunny in bed wishing good night to his surroundings, "Goodnight Moon" was a logical first choice for CU-Boulder's Tactile Picture Books Project -- there are more than 40 million copies in print and it has been translated into at least a dozen languages. University of Colorado at Boulder (CU-Boulder) computer science Assistant Professor Tom Yeh and his team now are using the same techniques to print several other highly popular children's books in 3D, including "Harold and the Purple Crayon" and "The Very Hungry Caterpillar."


"When my son was born three years ago we got five copies of 'Goodnight Moon' as gifts, an indication of how popular it is among small children and adults," said Yeh, according to the June 23, 2014 news release, Picture books for visually impaired kids go 3-D thanks to CU-Boulder research team. "It seemed to me to be the ideal book that would lend itself to our new research effort."


Tactile picture books for visually impaired children can be printed out with 3D printers parents, teachers, or book authors


The idea of tactile picture books is not new, said Yeh, according to the news release. "What is new is making 3D printing more accessible and interactive so parents and teachers of visually impaired children can customize and print these kinds of picture books in 3D," he explained. Yeh gave a presentation on the subject at the annual Association for Computing Machinery's CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems held in May in Toronto.


Yeh directs the Sikuli Lab at CU-Boulder, where his students conduct research on how computers can see better and interact with humans more naturally. Yeh, who received his doctorate in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, also studies artificial intelligence with a goal of people using it to solve practical problems.


In the spring of 2014, Yeh assigned students in his rapid prototyping class to create four 3D pages each from the popular kid's book "Harold and the Purple Crayon," published in 1955 by Crocket Johnson, in which a small boy creates his own world by simply drawing it. For the finished book, Yeh selected one page from each student in the class. "The creative side of these students really came out," he says.


A single object can dominate a particular page and scaled to a variety of sizes so blind kids can feel its shape


Some of the 3D pages printed by Yeh's students contained only a single object that dominated a particular page -- like a boat Harold is climbing in, for example -- objects that may be scaled to larger or smaller sizes so blind children can better feel its shape. The 3D pages for "Harold and the Purple Crayon" currently are on display along the stairwell wall of the Gemmill Library in CU-Boulder's Mathematics Building.


The main idea is to represent 2D graphics in a 3D, tactile way on a scale appropriate for the cognitive abilities and interests of young children, said Yeh. The team combines this information with computational algorithms -- essentially step-by-step instructions for mathematical calculations -- providing an interface that allows parents, teachers and supporters to print their own customized picture books using 3D computers.


Parents can choose a book, take a picture of the page, and send the picture to a 3-D printer


"Ideally a parent could choose a book, take a picture of a page, send the picture to a 3D printer, which would result in a 3D tactile book," he said, according to the news release. "We are investigating the scientific, technical and human issues that must be addressed before this vision can be fully realized."


Yeh said hobbyists who already own 3D printers could be a huge help to the project. "If they could donate their creative minds and time to make something that benefits visually impaired kids, that would be great." Another potential benefit? The cost of 3D printers -- currently thousands of dollars -- will likely drop significantly in the coming years, just as ink jet laser printers did a few decades ago, making them accessible to most people.


The global enthusiasm for 3D printing is off the charts, said Yeh. People now are 3D printing aircraft engine parts, bikinis, pizzas, bicycles, artificial limbs and teddy bears -- even all of the parts required to assemble another 3D printer. Yeh likened 3D printing to building an object with a tiny Lego set: Setting down nearly microscopic drops of material -- often liquid plastic -- then building them up into 3D objects, like a clock or a dinosaur, a drop at a time using the interface created by Yeh and his team.


"I realized we could do something meaningful by interpreting pictures from these children's books using mathematical diagrams," he said. "This project is much more difficult than I envisioned, but it also is much more rewarding."


The Tactile Books Project


The Tactile Picture Books Project headed by Yeh has been boosted last year by an $8,000 outreach grant from the university, which has helped his research team collaborate with the Anchor Center for Blind Children, a preschool in Denver, to better understand the needs of visually impaired toddlers and how parents can effectively engage them in reading.


One big advantage to tactile 3D children's books is that many blind children do not start learning Braille until they are about six years old, said Yeh.


"The University of Colorado Boulder is the expert in technology and the Anchor Center is the expert in tactile reading," said Anchor Center teacher JC Greeley, according to the news release. "Together we are able to create a unified tactile reading tool that gives young visually impaired children immediate and equal accessibility to books, offering the whole family a way to experience the magic of reading together."


University of Colorado (CU-Boulder) graduate student Abigale Stangl of the ATLAS program and the computer science department, one of Yeh's students, volunteers at the Anchor Center. "For the visually impaired, tactile development is important," she said. "I'm interested in learning different ways we perceive the world and how we can help create interesting experiences through touch."


3-D printed books


Another doctoral student, Jeeeun Kim, helped to create and refine the first "Goodnight Moon" 3D-printed book. "We liked that the story is simple and all objects the little bunny says goodnight to are easily found in our daily lives, enabling children to imagine what those look like," said Jeeeun.


"The 3D technology already was there, we had techniques we developed for image processing, you put them together and you have the means to print out 3D images from children's books," said Yeh.


 "The goal is to have parents, teachers and supporters of visually impaired children learn how to use software and 3D printers to make books of their own. Since each child generally has his or her unique visual impairment issues, the idea is to customize each book for each child."


Generating more interest in the project


Yeh, who also conducts research on "big data" and security issues, said it was a risky proposition to dive into the world of 3D picture books for vision-impaired kids. "I took a chance and I am doing something very different, which is fulfilling." he said. "The engineering college has been very supportive of my work.


"Our goal now is to generate more interest in this project," said Yeh. "We will be putting on some workshops in the Denver-Boulder area this summer, teaching people how to make 3D models of children's picture books and printing them." For more information you may wish to visit the website of the Tactile Picture Books Project. Or check out the website of the Annual Association for Computing Machinery's CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.


On another note:

My how-to ebook is 450 pages, 99 cents on Amazon, for Kindle and other devices. Write, Design, and Package Customized Books. How to Write and Design Pop-Up, Tactile, and Other Reading Materials.


Ebook, 450 pages. 99 cents.


How to organize and plan your life story book, play, or script

How to Write Life Stories as Play or Video Scripts

How to Write Life Stories as Play or Video Scripts, Biographies, Memoirs, Success Stories, or Novels: What steps to take in organizing and planning

On another note, you may be interested in my ebook: 420 pages.

How Writers Can Sell Solutions to Problems: Creative Predicament Solving for Authors: Skills You May Need Kindle Edition

If you’re thinking of writing your life story as a play, or your own autobiography as prose, begin by condensing experience in small chunks or paragraphs as if you’re putting the details into a time-capsule. Use vignettes for one to three acts. Focus on how you solved problems, obtained measurable results, or reached goals. Emphasize how you overcame challenges or obstacles, and transcended or built upon past choices. The last act of the play needs to show your voice of confidence and resilience.

Write in short paragraphs and short sentences.
  1. Contact family members or descendants, if available, for permission to write their family member’s memoirs.
  2. Write memoirs of various clerical or other religious or social leaders.
  3. Write two to four dozen memorials for houses of worship. Put these memorials in a larger book of memoirs for various organizations, religious groups, houses of worship, or professional associations.
  4. Find a model for your biographies. These could be centered on any aspect of life, such as religious or community service as well as vocations.
  5. Read the various awards biographies.
  6. Focus on the accomplishments that stand out.
  7. Use oral eulogies used in memorial services as your foundation. Consult professionals who conduct memorial services. The average eulogy runs about 1,500 to 1,800 words. That’ is what’s known as magazine article average length. Focus on the highlights, significant events, and turning points. 
  8. Write biographies, memoirs, and autobiographies by focusing on the highlights of someone’s life or your own life story. Turn personal histories into life stories that you can launch in the media. You need to make a life story salable. It is already valuable.
  9. Read autobiographies in print. Compare the autobiographies written by ghostwriters to those written by the authors who write about their own experiences.
  10. If you write a biography in third person keep objective. If you write an autobiography in first person you can be subjective or objective if you bring in other characters and present all sides of the story equally.
  11. If you’re writing a biography, whose memories are you using? If you write an autobiography, you can rely on your own memory. Writing in the third person means research verifying facts and fact-checking your resources for credibility. How reliable is the information?
  12. Use oral history transcriptions, personal history, videos, audio tapes, and interviews for a biography. You can use the same for an autobiography by checking for all sides of the story with people involved.
  13. With personal and oral histories, be sure to obtain letters of permission and to note what is authorized. Celebrities in the public eye are written about with unauthorized or authorized biographies. However, people in private life who are not celebrities may not want their name or photo in anyone’s book. 
  14. When interviewing, get written approval of what was said on tape. Let the person see the questions beforehand to be able to have time to recall an answer with accuracy regarding facts and dates or times of various events. Give peoples’ memories a chance to recall memories before the interview.
  15. Write autobiographies in the first person in genre or diary format. You can also dramatize the autobiography in a play or skit first and then flesh it out into novel format. Another alternative is to focus only on the highlights, events, and turning points in various stages of life. 

Give Your Characters Choices. Then let them transcend past decisions and move the story forward.

If you’re writing your own or another person’s memoirs for reminiscing, for closure, or as a way to transcend past choices and move on to healthier, higher approaches to your celebration of life, would you prefer to write a first person fictional autobiography, a specific stage-of-life event such as coming of age, or a true-life success story focusing on business or career choices?

Give your characters choices so they can solve the problems in your story, whether it's fiction or true life events. Familiarity sells in commercial autobiography. That's how you solve problems in writing. Can you offer various kinds of solutions to problems for readers or take your characters out of predicaments and dilemmas in believable ways?

Give 'readers and viewers the familiar inside of the unfamiliar because universal values sell big. Don't given 'em Crystal Pepsi when they expect classic Coca Cola to be brown.

In other words, the same Cinderella or Cinderfella story sells in ancient China or Egypt as it did in Europe in 1900 as it does today in Internet romances or virtual worlds avatars.

Three points focusing on creating stability in your characters’ ultimate choices regardless of changing events: 1) familiarity 2) commitment to family and 3) universal values can make best sellers in sagas, novels, multimedia books, and scripts or games.

Whether you're selling mortal combat games to guys or suspense science fiction time travel historical romances to gals, familiarity sells books, and values sell virtues we all want to identify with because it makes us feel important in front of ourselves and others, gives us self-respect, and makes us feel good.

People are afraid of the unfamiliar unless it's packaged as the familiar....an old story in new clothes. The new media is an old story in new clothes....that ancient Egyptian Net poem with an attitude, a fresh delivery, a new twist on a universal that's familiar.

Who does a writer follow, if anyone, when developing memorable characters? A fiction writer's world is focused on telling a story of how one person is related to society and how society relates back to the character in the story or play. And a lot of people don’t like a bunch of talk about popular personality assessments that appear each decade. So in your fiction writing, cut the psychology terminology and focus on what people do, why they do it, and what they get out of doing it.

If you want to write a great story, do you look to Freud who divided people into their id, ego, and superego? You don’t have to if you can divide your characters into three people transcending past choices and moving on: Those who identified more with mom, more with dad, or equally with both and create your dialogue from whether the character oriented negatively, positively, or ambivalently to either or both parents?

If you want to develop characters that make great stories, you want a magnanimous character that inspires the audience to come back for more. So let the characters make their own choices based on what they want and why they want it. How do you champion avatars writing their life stories in a work of fiction or true story?

A great story tells how each of us pursues power and/or commitment. Problems in writing can be solved through selecting universal values with which almost all people identify.

Choices of each of your characters can show the reader of stories, novels, and biographies or autobiographies or the viewing audience of plays, videos, various documentaries, or entertainment films why and how each character acted they way he or she did to move the story toward its ultimate conclusion. In print or digital media, your audience already has more choices to control the emotions of the characters in a story. Add another dimension to your digital or print fiction or creative nonfiction.




  • Anne Hart has written 87+ paperback books currently in print with various online booksellers and also several E-books for Amazon Kindle. She's a retired creative writing educator and editor (since 1972) and author (since 1959). ​

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Author of 87+ paperback books enjoys her vegan cookie recipe


Lentil-bran-dried fruit cookies and autumn spices vegan recipe


recipe and photo by Anne Hart


Here's the recipe for healthier lentil cookies I made today: Take a cup of oat bran, a cup of brown rice flour or ground quinoa flour (or any other kind of flour or meal) and a 1/3 of a cup of flaxseed meal in a bowl. Add about 2 ounces of dried fruit such as raisins, chopped prunes, dried goji berries, or chopped apples to sweeten.


Use your favorite autumn spices. Mine are ground cinnamon, cloves, ginger, cardamom, allspice, and a pinch of ground nutmeg. Note these vegan cookies or brownies have no added oils, fats, dairy, eggs, table sugar, salt, dairy, baking powder, or baking soda.


Then puree in a blender a cooked or raw, peeled sweet potato and a half cup of raw peeled carrots (those small carrots are okay), and a cup of cooked or soft, soaked green lentils with any type of liquid you prefer to turn it to a liquid. Drain the liquid into a jar. Then add the pulp to the dry flour/bran/meal and raisin-fruit mixture. Spices (optional) also may be added such as powdered ginger, cinnamon, cloves, or even unsweetened cocoa powder, if desired.


Optional: Instead or in addition to the carrots, you also may use small amounts of any preferred liquid to moisten the dry ingredients such as canned pumpkin puree, mashed yams or sweet potatoes, or simply the liquid in which you cooked your lentils.

Your sweetening ingredient will be chopped dried fruit of your choice such as raisins, dates, goji berries, or dried figs.


The point is instead of using fats, oils, salt, or table sugar, you're making a vegan cookie or brownie using grains and beans with dried fruit and pureed vegetables of your choice. Another alternative sweetener is finely chopped apples to mix with raisins.


Stir and knead until the mixture feels like cookie dough. Bake on unbleached parchment paper. If you want to bake directly on a cookie pan and don't use the nonstick variety, you can sprinkle oat bran, oat meal, or a few chia seeds on a cookie sheet so it won't stick too much, and pat down the cookies, spreading them out in a sheet across the cookie pan/sheet. Make them as flat as possible. Then cut them in squares, like a tic-tac-toe board.


Bake at 350 degrees F. for an hour or less, or until firm to the touch. Let cool a little and cut the squares into similar sizes and put in a bowl. The lentil cookies will be healthier because you added no extra oils, no sugar, no salt, no baking soda, and no baking powder.


They may take longer to bake than commercial-type cookies, but the mixture of lentils and oat bran, flaxseed meal and dried fruit will be healthier than cookies or brownies made with fat, sodium, bleached flour, and sugar. If you want 'flourless' cookies, instead of brown rice flour, you can use oatmeal or grind up quinoa or amaranth in a small electric coffee grinder to the consistency of meal, and use that instead of the brown rice flour.


What also can be used is finely ground corn meal or ground lentils to the consistency of a coarse meal. Optional: a few chia seeds under the cookies will help prevent sticking...or use sprinkled oat bran on the bottom of the glass cookie pan.

Show kids what it takes to think

Popular Health & Medical Writing for Magazines: How to Turn Current Research & Trends Into Salable Feature Articles - Anne Hart

Show kids what it takes to think. Define for people, especially kids and anyone else interested what is meant by words such as energy, flame, time, sound, and color, for starters. Find out the definitions yourself and then go around speaking to classrooms talking about how to communicate.


You might even get kids interested in science or storytelling or even public speaking as visiting speakers in classrooms or libraries. Keep the definitions easy to understand. Make the complex friendly and simple enough to answer questions.

Kids are interested in complicated questions that can be made easier to understand. This is one step in the direction just in case you want to be a technical writer of friendly manuals, for example, or children's books.


Communicate science in ways that are easy to understand. The skills can be transferred to writing children's books or friendly friendlier articles on science, including genetics and other topics that may be new to people who have not formally studied these subjects in schools.


The point is you learn to communicate complex topics in ways almost anyone can understand and visualize. This skill also is helpful if you want to write scripts or make documentaries on topics that are technical or scientific, and viewers want an easy to understand and follow overview.


The same techniques can be applied to how-to books and business topics, education, and news. For more information, check out the contests and more at the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science ®  at Stony Brook University School of Journalism: http://www.centerforcommunicatingscience.org/our-mission-2/.


The center’s website reads: “The Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science works to enhance understanding of science by helping train the next generation of scientists and health professionals to communicate more effectively with the public, public officials, the media, and others outside their own discipline.”


On another note: If you're interested in writing for health and medical magazines, check out my book, either the paperback or the ebook versions: Popular Health & Medical Writing for Magazines: How to Turn Current Research & Trends into Salable Feature Articles.


Yes, I wrote this book and many other paperback and ebooks.

Sacramento Latina: When the One Universal We Have in Common Divides Us - Anne Hart

I wrote this book and many other paperback books and ebooks. As I'm rapidly approaching the big age 80 and counting, what I like most to do is write and read. It's easier to write my dreams and what makes me laugh nowadays. My advice to authors is keep on writing. It really keeps you dreaming young.

Using 'cat' as a verb: You can say, "Don't dog the teacher." Can you say, "Don't cat the file?"

Sacramento Latina: When the One Universal We Have in Common Divides Us - Anne Hart

© by Anne Hart, 2016



Using dog or cat as a verb: You might say, "Don't dog the candidate." You might say, "They studied with dogged determination." Could you say, "They acted catty?" Can you use cat only as a noun, adjective, or adverb, but not as a verb? Can 'cat' be a verb that implies the act of curiosity, balance, or investigation?


You can say, "Don't let your dogged determination overpower the cat in you." But can you use cat as a verb instead of a description such as 'kittenish'?


Why can or can't you use the word cat as a verb as you would use 'dog' as a verb? Can you say, "Don't cat the client?" What would that imply--the business of "acting catty or kitten-like, which might mean winsome or cute"?


Would you like to be able to use cat as a verb or a noun in some way similar to how people use dog as a noun? Dogging the client could mean annoying or upsetting, bothering, or pestering repeatedly. But what would catting mean or cat the client? Would it mean scratching at something or balancing on a thin fence?
Would 'cat' the client (where 'cat' is used as a verb) imply being curious or inquisitive about the deal or situation? You could say it means scratching at a situation until you get at the answer. You might ask what is cat behavior most like, if 'cat' also becomes a verb?

What do you most enjoy organizing: Data, objects, or people?


Walking as a Business Kindle Edition


What do you most enjoy organizing: Data, objects, or people?


Each person knows what he or she would rather organize—people, data, or objects. One is energizing. The rest drain you. Extreme telecommuting means filling a need in a community well by working online as if you’re running a Park Avenue business from anywhere—at home or in transit on a neighborhood budget. Your first step is to pick what feels most comfortable for you: organizing people, data, or objects.

First you list people’s habits, such as eating and reading at the same time. Then you provide something to read about your business while they eat, or those little mini romance novels you write. Then watch people’s habits as they travel.

Imagine what can you leave guests to read in hotel rooms about what you do or what you create? Then think about what people in hotel rooms look at: TV programs, perhaps radio talk shows, or movies when not out and about in a new place? Look at other habits people have.


 Serve them in what they do while they do something else, like eating or traveling alone and reading. If kids like bedtime stories or games create something they can do in that situation. If parents need something kids can do sitting in the back of the car during a long vacation trip, fill that need and offer it online.

Alternative Writing and Creativity Coaching Business To Start


Alternative Writing and Creativity Coaching Business To Start: Communicating a Strong, Visible Platform of Expertise in Your Specialty Kindle Edition


376 pages



Alternative Writing and Creativity Coaching Business To Start

Topics in This Book To Facilitate, Communicate, or Voice:

1 Getting a Strong and Visible Platform of Expertise in Your Specialty
2 How to open a variety of businesses as a creative writing coach, memory enhancement facilitator, or consultant
3 Preserving Memories, Enhancing Creativity, and Healing by Writing Memoirs-
Text, Oral, Visual, Pop-Up Books, and Multimedia
4 Creative Writing Therapy Group Fiction Projects to Do
5 Creative Fiction Writing Therapy Projects for Playwriting & Scriptwriting
6 How to Create Paperback 98-Page Pamphlets on Current Issues in the News for
Students/Researchers, Teachers, and Librarians
7 Writing, Publishing, and Selling Your Own Small Booklets or Pamphlets
6 How to Format Your Book or Booklet Manuscript
9 Self Promotion and Plugging Products
10 Pre-Selling Your Book with a Web Hub before Publication
11 Getting a Strong and Visible Platform
12 Writing Drama or Memoirs as Time Capsules for Internet Video Theater or Radio
13 Organizing Your Life Story Book as Dramatic Fiction
14 Writing and Expressive Arts Coaches as Creativity Motivators
15 Write about Peoples’ Inner Payoffs and Moral Needs
16 Writing Biography and True Story
17 How Writing Salable Work is about Selling Solutions
16 Does Writing Your Life Story As A Novel Affect Your Memory?
18 Writing Life Stories or Current Issues as Romance Novels or Romantic Stories
19 Using Odd and Even Chapters in Your Book or Biography
20 Music Therapies as Healing and Inspirational Tools in Creative Writing
21 How to Write a Course Syllabus and Teach Online to Market Your Books
22 Online Creativity-Enhancing Businesses for Writers as Entrepreneurs to Start
Media Tours
23 News Monitoring Service
24 Music Video Podcasts
25 Mind-Body-Spirit Businesses
26 Inspirational and Motivational Writing with Music for Relaxation Business
27 Creative Writing Preference Assessments as Healing Tools
28 Writing Coaches and Creative Writing Therapists are “Tech Support.” Take the
“Howling Wolf’s Scribe” Creative Writing Preference Classifier
29 How Slice-of-Life Vignettes, Essays, and Journaling Become Healing Tools
30. How Slice-of-Life Vignettes, Essays, and Journaling Become Healing Tools

Still Too Scared of Hate to Leave Home Without a Guard Dog: The Novel or the Play or Film Script: A woman without a man can go to bed knowing she'll still be alive in the morning. Kindle Edition





The novel version is at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01H6C8KGA#nav-subnav


Or read the Play/Script version of the novel: The play/script version is at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01H65BE06#nav-subnav.


A woman without a man can go to bed knowing she'll still be alive in the morning. A wife isn’t supposed to complain about her cold-fish husband according to etiquette. Still too scared to leave home without a guard dog.

As with the protagonist's mother and some women generations before her, she's a low self-esteem, low confidence wife who assumes that she can’t take care of herself, married to a man who can’t take care of his wife.

He’s a commanding, bullying, whining and volcanic with low serotonin levels, high narcissism and worries about self image. She's financially dependent upon him in her old age and nearly penniless compared to most other women with graduate school liberal arts educations.

She's shy, frightened, old, and spent, but she likes the free rent, the backyard, and her doggies who do show her affection by wagging their tails when she gives them their food and gentle touches. She isn't planning to budge unless she's thrown to the curb. Then she will be a homeless old woman, she decides, with on and off agoraphobia and panic disorder.

Her husband(s) became abusive dads to her, in a similar, familiar way that her own dad acted with his wife, her mother. Since her present husband abuses her less than the first husband did, she'll stay as long as there’s money to pay the taxes on the house and keep food in the fridge.

She loves reading romance and writing romance novels. How do you write about a world of romance, of push and pull, and happily ever after when romance just isn't in the home, not in the way she writes about it with flowers and travel, honeymoons and weddings, all of which she's never had, at least not without being gaslighted, abused, wracked, cracked, drilled and financially milled while writing of love everlasting. She's bewildered and confused, sometimes by unpredictability and/ or too many surprises.

This novel is about the fictional experiences of a wife in a multicultural, interfaith marriage. The chapters, like stages of life, reveal the childhood and coming-of-age events that she grew up with that leads up to her choices and outcomes in marriage.


The novel version is at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01H6C8KGA#nav-subnav


Or read the Play/Script version of the novel: The play/script version is at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01H65BE06#nav-subnav.

Here's a link to some of my paperback books and blogs. http://anne-

Here's a link to some of my paperback books and blogs.




Tracing Your Baltic, Scandinavian, Eastern European, & Middle Eastern Ancestry Online: Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Estonian, ... & Middle Eastern Genealogy (All Faiths)

Tracing Your Baltic, Scandinavian, Eastern European, & Middle Eastern Ancestry Online: Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Estonian, ... & Middle Eastern Genealogy (All Faiths) - Anne Hart

Are you online and ready for global smart card and database genealogy for virtual travelers? Here's how to search family history for nations bordering the Baltic Sea, the Balkans countries, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.The nations listed in this guide (all faiths) include Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Armenia, Assyria, Greece, Lebanon, Syria, and many other lands in the Middle East, the Balkans-Croatia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Eastern Europe-Hungary, and more.


Collecting details about people is moving toward smart card technology and its offspring. The new wave in genealogy is authentication technology. Authentication begins with new-wave technology used to gather population registers.Compare the new technology to the old method of door-to-door census taking, tombstone tracings, and city directory publishing. No, genealogists are not using smart cards this year, but smart card technology is being used to compile population registers in Europe.


The future holds a new wave of technology used for authentication for banking transactions being applied to other areas. Currently this technology is used for collecting details for population registrars such as census taking.The application for research is of interest to family historians, librarians, and governments.


It's already in use by private industry for electronic authentication.Family history is now about intelligent connections, whether it's a population registrar, census detail, or electronic identity for banking. Smart card genealogy began in 1998 in Finland with governments seeking to put census and population registers in an electronic form that would be available to researchers, and these applications are going global.