How many ways can you make money in multimedia with video in a variety of projects
How many ways can you make money in multimedia with video in a variety of projects?
You also can create your own list of open-ended possibilities.
Practice seeing patterns in everything, making connections between two unrelated subjects, looking at symbols, bringing objects or people together, and making the abstract concrete enough to follow and understand without too many complications, when necessary.
Make your videos useful and research your specialized markets. Here's a list of 358 ways to use video in your career, job, or project. How many more uses of video in numerous applications can you research, design, and apply in addition to video conferences, sign-language video phones, video weddings, and family or corporate and educational reunions?
© by Anne Hart
Useful, alternative video business possibilities list
1. Video therapist technician
2. Video Infomercial production
3. Video inventory checker
4. Video Demo tape production
5. Video international reunion service and satellite
videoconferencing/video courier
6. Video public relations service
7. Employee screening service video
8. Video software talent management
9. Video dating service
10. Muckraking and underground (censored news) videos
(Cover the news that didn't make the news, exposing
corporate, institutional, or government corruption through your
investigative video reporting.)
11. Videotape game or video storyteller
12. Instructional videos and How To Have a Good Life Video: teach
sewing, costume design, painting, cooking, remodeling, makeup,
self-esteem enhancement, etc. (Produce any how-to instructional
or training video on whatever you know how to do really well.)
13. Video close captioning for the deaf. Or video hand sign
language interpretation for the deaf.
14. Video UFO research/interviews/abductees/sightings recorded.
15. Public histories on video production.
16. Videobiographies
17. Family identification service
18. Instructional and training videos
19. Surgery and operations on video tape
20. Childbirth on video tape
21. Deathbed, last images, and last will and testament on tape
22. Weddings, parties, anniversaries, bar mitzvahs,
confirmations, and life events on tape
23. Conventions and public speakers on tape
24. Trade shows, exhibits, and new technology events
25. Direct mail marketing and sales by video
26. Private Investigator search techniques on tape: how to check
up on anybody. 27. Software video instruction on tape (video
28. Corporate histories and annual marketing or financial
reports. 29. Editing other people's videos
30. Financial planning on video
31. Basic skills instruction on video
32. Foreign languages on video or English as a second language
33. Video advertisements
34. Videos on ethics
35. Corporate training on video
36. Healthcare professionals training tapes
37. Personality assessment questionnaire videos
38. Preschool physical exercise and fitness on video
39. Nutrition videos
40. Senior citizens networking and courses on video
41. Courses for homebased students on video
42. Videos for particular disabilities
43. Workability videos for persons entering the workforce
44. Multimedia videos using computers and video cameras
45. Games on video, including animation
46. Hospital videos for patient viewing
47. Cultural diversity videos for businesses or schools.
48. Videos for animal viewing (primates in sanctuaries, labs,
zoos, and research centers)
49. Legal depositions on video
50. Forensic, (forensic medical videos) and crime lab photography
videos for evidence technology (including accident scene
diagrams, chronology of events, photos, scale models, charts,
graphs, maps, accident scene diagrams, and technical illustration
51. Security and surveillance/mobile surveillance
52. Pet videos or pet training for pet owners
53. Accident reconstruction videos for insurance firms
54. Home healthcare videos and home response taping
55. Corporate animation videos
56. Artists exhibits, art portfolios, and art show videos
57. Resumes and Non-resume Job Portfolios on video tape
58. Real estate sales videos, commercial or residential
59. Appraisal videos, property or real estate
60. Cartography videos (maps) on video (cross-country or
international driving routes and sights videos).
61. Travel videos
62. Visual anthropology tapes, preservation on video of tribal
and ethnic cultures around the world, or esoteric languages and
customs on tape. 63. Cooking videos, video cookbooks.
64. Religious videos of customs and rituals preserved or church
sermons, religious services on tape for homebound viewers. View a
variety of religions at home.
65. Pen pal videos, for people who can't be there in person to
chat and exchange conversation or souvenirs.
66. Prisoner-to-family correspondence on video. Also videos for
the institutionalized person.
67. Virtual reality video simulation: How your home will look
after it's remodeled. Or create medical or architectural models
on video using virtual reality technology on video tape.
68. Virtual reality simulation games on video for game machines.
69. Computer-assisted reporting videos.
70. Videos for foster parents, child daycare workers.
71. Video dating and marriage brokerage service
72. Video business partner matching
73. Family photos on video, genealogy videos, and family
histories: videobiographies and autobiographies on tape.
74. Poetry reading on videos.
75. Greeting cards and love letters on video.
76. Close captioning and hand signing for the deaf
77. Distance teaching tapes
78. Bellydancing videos
79. Psychic predictions videos: one each month or quarterly 80.
Futurist trend forecasting on video
81. Video magazine for teenagers.
88. Music videos: auditioning new composers and musicians
89. Video software talent agent
90. Mediums and channelers on video
91. University courses by video
92. Writing or art instruction videos
93. Matching services: students with scholarships or schools, on
video 94. Baby sitters and nanny services or household managers
screening videos. Choose your nanny from the monthly video of
95. Toy store video products
96. Children's interests videos
97. Air checker (record television advertisements for ad agencies
and product manufacturers who advertise on T.V.)
98. Newspaper clipping service on video and T.V. news video
clipping. 99. Video market research and audience tracking
100. Book publicist video service (Interview writers on video for
their book publicists and create video book tours).
101. Talk show video library: (Record television talk show
interviews for clients appearing on the show and their public
relations agencies.) 102. Documentaries
103. Compilations of previously existing material
104. Personalities and Trailers for film and video producers 105.
106. How-to
107. Children and animation videos
108. Music
109. Book-based videos
110. Romance novels on video
111. Video distribution by mail
112. Video agent
113. Video foster grandparents
114. Video packager, including corporate animation
115. Licensed toy character and celebrity videos
116. Sports videos
117. Video bartending
118. Foreign TV videos
119. Video budget planner
120. Financial, stocks videos
121. Children's videos
122. History on video
123. Video letters
124. Video questionnaires: Personality, psychological, and
aptitude questionnaire videos.
125. Scholastic testing on video of basic or advanced skills
and/or oral interview and oral exam testing.
126. Video classified advertisments/ad agency
127. Play production videos, including church and local
theatrical play taping and taping pays for playwrights, students,
and actors. 128. Publisher's video library
129. Video shopping coupon book
130. corporate animation and children's animation, appealing to
the newest toy store video trade...animated dolls and toys.
131. Script supervisor
132. Story editor/ reader for plays/scripts
133. Dramaturg (Literary Manager) with analysis on video
134. Video/Literary Agent
135. Videotherapist or Video therapist technician
136. Electronic Editor
137. Desktop Video Programner
138. Desktop Video Producer
139. Video Magazine or Newsletter
140. UFO Investigator
141. Seminar Planner
142. Event Planner
143. Videoconferencing Designer
144. Convention Recorder
145. Publicist
146. National Organization
Startup Planner
147. Documentation Analyst
148. Electronic Translater
149. Visual Anthropology
150. Video Indexer
151. Freelance video editor
152. Public Speaker
153. Electronic Farm Newsletter
154. Technical Video Editor/Writer Freelance
155. Video script proofreader
156. Children's video book
consultant/buyer or media buyer
157. Collaborator
158. Educational video producer/Mobile Editor
159. Video and Audio Cassette Tape Agent or Software/Video Talent
Manager 160. New Age Video Producer/self-enhancement
161. Artist's Event Videographer
162. Art Show Promotor/Art Video producer
163. Cruise-Line Videography Teacher
164. Instructional Video Producer/Technical Editor
165. Trainer
166. Instructional technologist
167. Executive health promotion video producer or speaker 168.
Forensic Photographer
169. Photojournalist
170. Distance Teacher
171. Crafts Video
Scriptwriter/Producer (How-To)
172. Autobiography Videographer
173. Animator, corporate ad, or children's programming
174. Preschool exercise video producer/instructor/consultant
175. Videobiographer specializing in life story videos for older
adults or corporate histories.
176. Oral historian. Videotape holocaust survivors and survivors
of various disasters and wars for specialty museum
libraries. 177. Video script supervisor
178. Video Greeting Card designer
179. Graphic Novel Writer (video comic books for grownups) 180.
Ethnic customs and costumes or world foods Video Consultant 181.
Video Food Stylist
182. Video Software designer for writers, artists, special
effects 183. Interactive Multimedia Producer, Designer, or
Writer for Video and computer video games
184. Video romance novels on tape: producer/writer
185. Videos for deaf, close captioned or signing
186. Adult Education Teacher of video production or video writing
187. Agent's Reader/Screener/Video producer's representative
188. Video and Book Tour Promoter
189. Travel video producer: specialty travel: for students, the
disabled, seniors, teens, etc.
190. International Video Scriptwriter's Agent and Video Agent or
Video Distributor International Producer's and Publisher's
Representative 191. Teen video magazine
192. Information Broker/Competitive Intelligence Researcher to
the video industry
193. Software or Video Locator
194. Special effects designer or video titles creator
195. Storefront Video and Video Writer's School Director 196.
Correspondence School Instructor
197. Hospital video therapist
198. Video Playwright for Children's Theatre and Schools of
Performing Arts
199. Comedy Writer or standup comic video producer, suppliers of
video comedy for institutionalized and hospitalized patients or
prisoners. 200. Comedy Trainer/ comedy and humor training
videos: train the trainer tapes. 201. Story Structure Analyst (to
screenwriters/novelists) 202. Writer's Office Designer
203. Kitchen Designer and Cookbook Writer
204. Video columnist: Newspaper/Trade Journal/Specialty
Newsletters 205. Video colorist
206. Personnel screener/interview in screening videos for
employers. 207. Infomercial Producer/Designer/Writer
208. Autobiographer
209. Electronic (video) Advertising Copywriter
210. Cable Television Media Buyer
211. Market Researcher/Audience Analyst/for consumers of video.
212. Telecommuting Planner (for Government and Corporations) (You
set up corporate and government employees to work at home with
video cameras and computers linked to the government or
corporate central computer 213. Videotext editor
214. Air-Checker (record commercials at home on your TV and/or
radio for ad agencies)
215. Visual Anthropological data analyst/visual anthropology
video library owner or maintain database clearinghouse on visual
anthropology videos, video grants, and participants.
216. Medical video producer physician's television or radio
network or health care scriptwriter
217. Personality Assessment Coordinator/Sales
Representative and Video Producer
218. Psychological Type and Temperament Video Producer
219. Gambling How-To, game playing: how to beat the odds of
gambling, card-playing and other games of chance videos.
220. Self-defense videos.
221. Modern or fad dances, skating, skateboarding, surfing videos
222. Stocks and bonds: investments
223. Psychic predictions for the year or month videos
224. Job search videos
225. Computer aided design video producer
226. Video accident reconstructionist/forensic videographer 227.
Time management video producer
228. Political campaign management video producer/publicist 229.
Customer support video producer/writer
230. Nurses' training video producer
231. Direct mail video copywriter
232 Exhibit and trade show event video creative director
233. Domestic violence prevention video producer/trainer
234. Video earth satellite technician
235. Video fashion show producer/including music videos.
236. Media Buyer/Audience Research
237. Market Research Video Analyst and Planner
238. Telecommuting planner for government and Corporations (You
set up corporate and government employees to work at home with
video cameras and personal computers linked to
videoconferencing with the government, school or corporate
central computers and video players/cameras.) 239. Videotext
240. Air-Checker (record commercials or monitor news)
241. Visual/Video Anthropologist/producer
242. Medical Videographer
243. Physician's video/radio network producer/writer or
distributor 244. Personality assessment video
coordinator/personality training videos. 245. Trade show display
planner/videographer/publicist/direct mail video copywriter 246.
Animation designer or writer/producer or packager and distributor
of animation
247. Video and Electronic Greeting Card Designer or salesperson
248. Video apartments producer/Real Estate Advertising
249. Video Software Reviewer/
250. Restaurant/Entertainment video trailer producer or Reviewer
251. Camcorder Buyer's Guide Writer
252. Music video producer/Lyric Song Writer's Agent/Lyric song
writer/videos and portfolio videos for auditions of other song
writers composing on video or Midi synthesizer video musical
television producer. 253. Wedding and family videobiographies
254. Amateur producer's video sales and rental store owner/video
sharing and public domain video sales and rentals. (Including
mail order amateur and public domain video sales or rentals.)
255. Video mail order catalog producer/Publisher
256. Wholesale video security dealer/for video management of
stores, malls, schools, offices, and homes.
257. Video producer's Retreat Owner/Renter
258. How to repair-video producer, director, packager,
distributor, or writer: fish out assignments to other
video producers/writers/repair technicians.
259. Medical or legal transcription dictated on video instead of
audio cassette. (See the dictationist while you transcribe the
tape or use videoconferencing or videophones.)
260. Computer-generated video special effects and title designer
for home videos.
261. Video tape editing service owner.
262. Cultural diversity videos producer
263. Direct mail video and infomercial producer/ Mail Marketing
Videos and script writing/copywriting
264. Novelty videos/humor/video gag writer/
265. Gift videos/self-enhancement wholesaler
266. Video Patent Searchers
267. Create videos that develop one's tolerance for ambiguity
268. Import/Export video and interactive multimedia book buyer
269. Speciality video dating service/introduction or matching
service for business partners, social dating, or matching
compatible people for venture capital raising and business
270. Pet matchmaking videos for mating certain lines of dogs,
cats, horses, birds, foul, fish, game animals, rare zoo animals,
endangered species animals, or a variety of species for land or
sea animal theme parks. Or match farm animals for breeding by
their DNA lines.
271. Video producer's and writer's independent or freelance Job
Information video clearinghouse
272. 900 Video information Telephone Line
273. Testing Service/interactive video response testing
274. Video Production Grants Writer/Government and Technical
Contract Bids or Educational video production.
275. Videos for matching students with Scholarships, fellowships,
grants and residencies: video locator service
276. Land or financial video locating
277. Video Scriptwriter
278. Interactive Multimedia Scriptwriter or producer
279. Carpet sculpture videos--insert woven logo design into
carpet for corporate client and design motto and logo.)
280. Virtual reality entertainment, amusement park, or game video
producer, digital theme parks in storefront shopping malls.
281. Video fund raiser
282. Trade show demonstration exhibit designer/producer
283. Video career/employment counselor/consultant
284. Video production business plan writer for new video
businesses applying for financing
285. Video grants proposal writer
286. Toy video producer
287. Gag video producer/writer
288. Idea Generator/Motivator/Inspirational Speaker/Writer video
producer 289. Military video producer.
290. Religious producer: sermons on video for homebased religious
services or events
291. Ethnic Cookbook videos
292. Playology videos
293. Animal care videos.
294. Travel videographer
295. Women's studies video producer
296. Video advertising researcher
297. Media buyer
298. Cooking videos
299. Booklet, workbook, and pamphlet publisher to accompany
videos. 300. Teen magazine or music video producer
301. Gift videos for special holidays and occasions.
302. Video comparison shopping research
303. Niche video distributor
304. Film festival videos/ video monitor reporter/representataive
305. Catering service to video and filmmakers
306. Professional video finder
307. Selling videos and video-related information from around the
world in many languages.
308. Motivational/New Age video and pamphlet production
309. Freelance video advertising copywriter
310. Restaurant review videos
311. Book and software review videos
312. Paid volunteer video trainer
313. Nursing continuing education videos.
314. Mobile nursery school exercise program video designer 315.
Poet resident in the city schools with videos.
316. Art as virtual reality on video
317. Video direct mail marketing copywriter
318. Promotional video producer
319. Hypnosis videos, or past life regressions and future life
progressions tapes
320. Adult survivor of child abuse therapy videos.
321. Industrial training videos.
322. Corporate training on personality differences in the
workplace video productions.
323. American Sign Language Videos for the deaf or to train the
hearing to work with deaf employees.
324. Video press and media kit designer
325. Videos to engage latchkey kids in learning as fun activities
326. Science for children or adults
327. UFO sightings videos or interviews with contactees/abductees
stories on video
328. True confessions on video
329. Video shopping direct mail marketing
330. Video sights and sounds to quiet crying infants
331. Children's bedtime calming stories and music on video 332.
Videos for store and exhibit hall product demonstrations 333.
Hard to find courses on video.
334. Interior decorating on video, or home remodeling techniques
335. Art instruction videos
336. Wholesaling by video or videoconference
337. Seminar promotion videos
338. Distance teaching
339. Homebirth instruction, preparation and supplies, including
LaMaze or similar type birthing instruction and exercises
340. Infant care for new parents or babysitters
341. Nanny training videos
342. First aid and/or home remedies videos
344. Women's opportunity week videos for networking
345. Penpals on video
346. I.Q. Testing
347. Puzzles, riddles, and word games on video.
348. Math quizzes on video
349. Critical thinking videos.
350. Quizzes and aptitude tests on video.
351. Personality testing
352. Metaphysical videos
342. Media Interface Liaison
343. Procedure writer for video producers
344. Instructional technology producer/writer
345. Post Production video editor
346. Virtual reality producer
347. Interactive multimedia videographer
348. Technical video producer/writer
349. Videotape production coordinator
350. Video Informationist
351. Software video interface producer/writer
352. Computer software instruction video producer
353. Micrographics designer
354. Video market trend forecaster
355. Mentoring videos for trainees:Retirees mentoring recent
356. Videopals: penpals via video: children and older people
357. Beautiful images videos: scenes to lower your blood pressure
358. How women express anger and its effect on their health.