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What do you most enjoy organizing: Data, objects, or people?


Walking as a Business Kindle Edition


What do you most enjoy organizing: Data, objects, or people?


Each person knows what he or she would rather organize—people, data, or objects. One is energizing. The rest drain you. Extreme telecommuting means filling a need in a community well by working online as if you’re running a Park Avenue business from anywhere—at home or in transit on a neighborhood budget. Your first step is to pick what feels most comfortable for you: organizing people, data, or objects.

First you list people’s habits, such as eating and reading at the same time. Then you provide something to read about your business while they eat, or those little mini romance novels you write. Then watch people’s habits as they travel.

Imagine what can you leave guests to read in hotel rooms about what you do or what you create? Then think about what people in hotel rooms look at: TV programs, perhaps radio talk shows, or movies when not out and about in a new place? Look at other habits people have.


 Serve them in what they do while they do something else, like eating or traveling alone and reading. If kids like bedtime stories or games create something they can do in that situation. If parents need something kids can do sitting in the back of the car during a long vacation trip, fill that need and offer it online.