Some of her 87+ paperback titles include 101+ Practical Ways to Raise Funds, the nonfiction book, Diet Fads, Careers & Controversies in Nutrition Journalism. Looking to be a science or medical writer? See the book, 101 Ways to Find Six-Figure Medical or Popular Ghostwriting Jobs & Clients, 30+ Brain-Exercising Creativity Coach Businesses to Open.
Want fiction? Then read the medieval historical time-travel novel, Adventures in my beloved medieval Alania and Beyond. Interested in family history newsletters? Then see the nonfiction how-to paperback book, Creating Family Newsletters & Time Capsules, Also see the paperback novel and collection of stories under one cover, Dogs with Careers: Ten Happy-Ending Stories of Purpose and Passion. And browse the paperback book, Who's Buying Which Popular Short Fiction Now, & What Are They Paying?
Looking for Anne Hart's food, health, and behavior-related nonfiction articles collected in a paperback book? Check out Neurotechnology with Culinary Memoirs from the Daily Nutrition & Health Reporter. Some creativity-enhancing books include, 30+ Brain-Exercising Creativity Coach Businesses to Open. Or browse, How to Launch a Genealogy TV Business Online. See the book on how to write plays, Ethno-Playography. Browse the paperback book, How to Start, Teach, & Franchise a Creative Genealogy Writing Class or Club. Looking for nonfiction? See, the paperback book, Employment Personality Tests Decoded (published by Career Press). It's about designing and taking various types of employment tests. Want to produce videos such as documentaries or films and write the scripts? See Anne Hart's book, Writing, Financing, & Producing Documentaries.
Looking for fiction? Also see novels, Astronauts and Their Cats, and the novel, How to Start Engaging Conversations on Women's, Men's, or Family Studies with Wealthy Strangers. See the novel, Proper Parenting in Ancient Rome. Want more creativity enhancement and writing assessments motivating and inspiring your creativity--for writers? See, Do You Have the Aptitude & Personality to Be A Popular Author?
Anne Hart earned bachelor's and master's degrees in English, emphasizing writing the novel, fiction writing and professional writing before starting a full-time career writing novels, plays, poems, and science writing. College minors were in psychology and anthropology. Many of her novels are for young readers focusing on adventure and historical time-travel stories. Nonfiction books include how-to books on nutrition, genetics, health trends, and behavior.
The author also taught university level classes since 1972 part time while spending more than eight hours daily writing novels, how-to books, plays, and scripts. Some of her novels include fiction titles such as Proper Parenting in Ancient Rome and Dogs with Careers. Want a suspense novel with humor? Read Anne Hart's novel, Murder in the Women's Studies Department."
Hart has written more than 2,000 articles and nonfiction books such as Neurotechnology and Culinary Memoirs and books on DNA-driven genealogy, including how to start and teach classes in family history. She also has a frequent column on cooking one-pan meals and specializes in finding healthier ingredients for various foods, for example chia seeds for starch in puddings and eating snacks of nuts and seeds instead of chips.
Check out some of her how-to videos on YouTube on topics ranging from foods to DNA-driven genealogy research. Hart also is the mother to two children pushing age 50 and is the grandmother of nine children, including several medical students.
Since 1959, Hart has been writing daily at least six days a week, either stories, novels, how-to books, informational articles, and plays, poems, or scripts. She retired from part-time university teaching creative writing courses in 2002 and now spends her days writing articles "to make the world a kinder, gentler, and healthier place."
Author's biography
Video: So you want to be a personal historian:
Author, journalist, and novelist, Anne Hart was awarded a lifetime California Community Colleges Teaching Credential in 1985, and holds an M.A. degree from San Diego State University and a B.S. in English Education (writing). She has written 87 paperback books as well as booklets, plays, articles, stories, poems, and learning materials, multicultural and historical time-travel novels, including books and articles on career development, nutrition and health news research, scripts, personality research, and how-to topics as well as creativity enhancement and creative writing learning materials. Hart has been writing books and articles freelance since 1959.
Anne Hart was awarded a KFMBTV (Channel B News) Harold Keen graduate scholarship in professional writing in 1977. Winner of Mensa National Essay Writing Competition Scholarship, 1979. Scholar Incentive Award, NYU. Book editing. Book and software reviews writer. Columnist and frequent online teacher on the subject of "The Business of Writing. "
Here's a list of numerous paperback book titles written by Anne Hart:
1. 101+ Practical Ways to Raise Funds: A Step-by-Step Guide with Answers
2. 101 Ways to Find Six-Figure Medical or Popular Ghostwriting Jobs & Clients
3. 102 Ways to Apply Career Training in Family History/Genealogy
4. 1700 Ways to Earn Free Book Publicity
5. 30+ Brain-Exercising Creativity Coach Businesses to Open
6. 32 Podcasting & Other Businesses to Open Showing People How to Cut Expenses
7. 35 Video Podcasting Careers and Businesses to Start
8. 801 Action Verbs for Communicators
9. A Private Eye Called Mama Africa
10. Ancient and Medieval Teenage Diaries
11. Anne Joan Levine, Private Eye
15. Cover Letters, Follow-Ups, Queries and Book Proposals
16. Writing, Financing, & Producing Documentaries
17. Creating Family Newsletters & Time Capsules
18. Creative Genealogy Projects
19. Cutting Expenses and Getting More for Less
21. Diet Fads, Careers and Controversies in Nutrition Journalism
22. Dogs with Careers: Ten Happy-Ending Stories of Purpose and Passion
23. Dramatizing 17th Century Family History of Deacon Stephen Hart & Other Early New England Settlers
24. Employment Personality Tests Decoded
26. Find Your Personal Adam And Eve
27. Four Astronauts and a Kitten
29. How Two Yellow Labs Saved the Space Program
30. How to Interpret Family History and Ancestry DNA Test Results for Beginners
31. How to Interpret Your DNA Test Results For Family History & Ancestry
32. How to Launch a Genealogy TV Business Online
33. How to Make Money Organizing Information
34. How to Make Money Selling Facts
35. How to Make Money Teaching Online With Your Camcorder and PC
36. How to Open DNA-Driven Genealogy Reporting & Interpreting Businesses
37. How to Open a Business Writing and Publishing Memoirs, Gift Books, or Success Stories for Clients
38. How to Publish in Women’s Studies, Men’s Studies, Policy Analysis, & Family History Research
39. How to Refresh Your Memory by Writing Salable Memoirs with Laughing Walls
40. How to Safely Tailor Your Food, Medicines, & Cosmetics to Your Genes
41. How to Start Engaging Conversations on Women's, Men's, or Family Studies with Wealthy Strangers
42. How to Start Personal Histories and Genealogy Journalism Businesses
43. How to Turn Poems, Lyrics, & Folklore into Salable Children's Books
44. How to Video Record Your Dog's Life Story
45. How to Write Plays, Monologues, or Skits from Life Stories, Social Issues, or Current Events
46. Infant Gender Selection & Personalized Medicine
48. Job Coach-Life Coach-Executive Coach-Letter & Resume-Writing Service
49. Large Print Crossword Puzzles for Memory Enhancement
50. Make Money With Your Camcorder and PC: 25+ Businesses
52. Murder in the Women's Studies Department
54. Nutritional Genomics - A Consumer's Guide to How Your Genes and Ancestry Respond to Food
55. In the Chips: How to Make Money With Your Computer
56. Popular Health & Medical Writing for Magazines
58. Predictive Medicine for Rookies
59. Problem-Solving and Cat Tales for the Holidays
60. Proper Parenting in Ancient Rome
64. Search Your Middle Eastern and European Genealogy
65. Social Smarts Strategies That Earn Free Book Publicity
66. The Beginner's Guide to Interpreting Ethnic DNA Origins for Family History
69. The Date Who Unleashed Hell
70. The Freelance Writer's E-Publishing Guidebook
74. Tracing Your Baltic, Scandinavian, Eastern European, & Middle Eastern Ancestry Online
78. Who's Buying Which Popular Short Fiction Now, & What Are They Paying?
79. Why We Never Give Up Our Need for a Perfect Mother
80. Writer's Guide to Book Proposals
81. Writing 45-Minute One-Act Plays, Skits, Monologues, & Animation Scripts for Drama Workshops
82. Writing 7-Minute Inspirational Life Experience Vignettes
84. How to Start, Teach, & Franchise a Creative Genealogy Writing Class or Club: The Craft of Producing Salable Living Legacies, Celebrations of Life, Genealogy Periodicals, Family Newsletters, Time Capsules, Biographies, Fiction, Memoirs, Ethno-Plays, Skits, Monologues, Autobiographies, Events, Reunion Publications, or Gift Books
Here are links to some of my articles online from my Blog Archive and also a list of many of my paperback books