Fluid brings certain minerals from your diet to strengthen the enamel of your teeth, making them more resistant to decay and infections. Does modernization create a person who is more susceptible to tooth decay and other health problems?
Or is it the third-world person who has little access to good nutrition who needs health care more to prevent children from starving by being given peanut butter and vitamin supplements? Let's take a look at how a hormone triggers a fluid that can remineralize your teeth, but will it do that on the foods you're eating now?
Did you know that when the parotid (not carotid, parotid) glands (in your jaw) release a hormone, that specific hormone triggers a mineral-rich fluid that cleans and remineralizes your teeth?
How this works is based more on diet than genetics. First your brain's hypothalamus chemically communicates with glands in your jaw, being helped in the connection by your pituitary gland. What all this signifies is the relationship and communication between nutrition/diet, your nervous system, and your glandular system.
Your diet influences your own parotid hormone releasing factor. It's the parotid hormone that really cleans your teeth by moving that dental lymph up through tiny channels in your teeth. Maybe you wondered why some people never get tooth decay, regardless of what they eat? They have a particularly strong parotid gland and lots of mineral-rich parotid hormones that keep building the density of their teeth.
When you're told you have soft teeth and lots of cavities, it means the density of your teeth is weak because not enough of that parotid gland hormone, a type of dental lymph is not moving through the microscopic channels inside your teeth, and your enamel is eroding.
What can you do? First you have to look at what a cavity-causing diet is all about. Then you have to find out what is it in your diet that is stopping or interrupting the mineral-rich dental lymph from your parotid gland from making your teeth more dense and decay-resistant.
Did you ever wonder whether the diet you eat is really related to your soft teeth or decay and infection problems? Check out the abstract of a study, "Physiological and genetic responses of bacteria to osmotic stress."
In one experiment, scientists put bacteria in a 20 percent sugar solution in water. A sudden impact of sugar on bacteria destroys the bacteria. Does this mean that you should pack your teeth with white sugar? No. But a lot of sugar all at once destroys bacteria.
So when your dentist says a high-sugar diet causes the bacteria in your mouth that are always there to form acid from the sugar, it's the acid that's wearing away your tooth enamel. A high-grain diet also can weaken your teeth unless the grains are fermented. Nuances of diet makes a big impact on how strong your teeth are as far as resisting infection, decay, and brittleness.
So what kind of diet do you need? Apparently, it's the type of diet that scientists studied among isolated peoples of the world who had teeth that resisted decay and ate food different from the standard Western diets of jam and white bread and other modern foods. Who really found the cure to tooth decay by having nutrition remineralize teeth?
Check out the book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, by Weston Price, DDS who traveled the world looking for people in isolated places who never had experienced tooth decay. Back in the early 1930s, he found such people in the Loetschental Valley of the Swiss Alps in in remote places where people were isolated, never saw a dentist, and still had perfect teeth.
The Swiss ate raw milk butter and cheese, sour dough rye bread, vegetables, and barley, and only a little meat, perhaps once a week. Other cultures, for examples, Native Americans and Arctic peoples lived on a seafood diet. But those same people who moved to urban areas, were losing their health and teeth as their nutrition changed.
It makes you wonder, what type of nutrition is best for the teeth?
Is it a vegan diet or a balanced diet? Is it raw foods or cooked foods? And how much does genetics play a role in tooth decay compared to diet and nutrition? Should you eat so-called "native foods?" Those are foods consisting of the whole animal, fish heads, organ meats, liver, chicken feet soup, you name it--where no part of an animal or vegetable goes to waste. For vegetables that means eating the beet greens, not just the red beetroot.